Regardless of income you are allowed to claim a Homestead Exemption on your primary residence which reduces the amount of your property taxes by lowering your assessed value $25,000 Once you have filed for it and it is in place, you do not need to file again unless you move to another city! Additional exemptions are available for the blind, veterans, and widows. Should you or anyone you know qualify for these additional exemptions please give us a call and we will gladly send you the forms you need to file.
This paperwork is pretty self-explanatory but you know you can always call if you have questions. Don’t put this off. It needs to be in the hands of your local assessor’s office by April 1st. Click below for the form.
If we can be of any assistance with this, or any other matter related to real estate, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hope you have an amazing spring and summer.